Reciprocal Link Exchange
We will exchange links with other websites with similar content that will benefit our users, as well as improve our Google Page Rank. Our general criteria are:
- Your website's main page has a Google Page Rank (PR) of at least 2.
- Your website's purpose is to market vacations, such as accommodations, activities, and vacation-area real estate.
- Preferably, at least some of your website's offerings are located in the American West (Rockies and westward).
- Your website has a professional, neat & tidy appearance.
- Your website's links area isn't a huge jumbled mess and our link won't be hidden under a rock somewhere. In other words, someone should actually be able to find and click on our link, sometime in our lifetime.
An actual human being will review all websites requesting a link. We may reject any website that does not meet our criteria.
How to Link to Us
Follow the simple steps below to exchange links with us:
- Copy the link's HTML code (or construct the link in WYSIWYG) and place it on your web site.
- Once you have created the link, email us at with this information:
- Your website title (this will become your clickable link text)
- A brief description of your website (no more than 2 lines; we may edit it if necessary)
- Web site URL address (will be where the user is directed when they click on the website's title)
- The URL address where you have placed our link
- Once the link is accepted and confirmed, we will add your link to our Travel Partner Links section.
Here is how our link should appear on your website: Vacation Condo Rentals in the American West. Specializing in Sheraton, Shell, Wyndham, & Worldmark Resorts and the most desirable vacation times: Christmas in the Rockies, spring training in Arizona, and summer on the Pacific Coast.
HTML Code that yields this link:
href=> Vacation Condo Rentals in the American West.
</a> Specializing in Sheraton, Shell, Wyndham, & Worldmark Resorts and the most desirable vacation times: Christmas in the Rockies, spring training in Arizona, and summer on the Pacific Coast.